As schools and families begin to adapt to the changes brought about by COVID-19, distance learning has become a necessity in ensuring the continued growth and education of children. In order for children to be successful in online environments, parents must adopt a more significant and active role in the education of their children. One of the biggest challenges young students will face in their new environment is staying focused; for many children, this will be their first experience with the overlapping of their academic and home lives. To help ease your child into the transition to distance learning, endeavor to be a constant source of encouragement and support.
Set Clear Expectations
Children are more likely to adopt and stick to routines when led by example – if possible, modify your own schedule to align with the one you establish for your child for online learning. To establish, focus on flexibility and collaboration – make sure your child knows that you’re all in this together. Once you establish your routine, set forth clear expectations. Ensure your child knows when he or she should wake up in the morning. Make it clear that he or she is still responsible for getting dressed, making the bed, and doing chores, in addition to completing their school assignments. Keep to a clear and manageable routine. Doing so will foster the sense of normalcy that is essential to not overwhelming your child with the strangeness that accompanies change and uncertainty.
Build a Space Conducive to Learning
One of the most important steps in eliminating distractions and keeping your child focused in an online learning environment is creating a regular learning space. Choose a space that is quiet, but take care not to isolate your child from the rest of the family. Dedicate this new space to school-related exercises and activities only, and ensure your child has access to all the resources he or she may need, such as a strong internet connection and materials such as books and writing utensils. The space should be close enough to the center of the home that you can easily monitor your child but separated enough to ensure productivity.
Stay Connected
Staying connected and in-touch with teachers is crucial to your child’s success in online learning environments. In addition to ensuring a strong, stable internet connection, be sure your child is maintaining an appropriate level of contact with instructors. Follow the guidelines set forth by your child’s school in terms of video check-ins or phone calls. If at any time you or your child have concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s school for support.