Graduation Letter to Parents

Graduation Letter to Parents

| Published on: June 8, 2020 |

Dear Parents and Guardians of the 8th Grade Students,

This year, graduation day will be like no other, held in a digital world, yet still memorable. It will be an important milestone for your child; memories will be created and cherished, celebrations will be held, and families will gather. Our faith will focus us during this graduation season and continue to guide them.

Parents play a vital role in the development of their children and this graduation is a time for you to be proud of what you have witnessed these past years. As you prepare for graduation on Friday, June 12, 2020, please allow me to share with you this reflection:

From the moment you hold your child in your arms for the
first time, you begin to envision the years ahead. You see
sports, activities, milestones and school. And from the first
day they enter kindergarten, you start to wonder where
that path will lead them and what will life have in store for them.

And, even as they pass through the various grade markers –
moving from grade to grade, you keep your eye on the
“big day” – graduation. Suddenly, before you realize it,
Graduation is just days away. Where have the years gone,
as you prepare to watch your “baby” graduate? Of course,
we’re happy and proud of them.

Each student has a story to tell about the journey they’ve taken, over the past ten years to get to this point. It’s often filled with moments of struggle, moments of success, friendships made, and friendships lost. Moments of doubt and fear, balanced with moments of confidence and assurance. As a parent, you have continued to bring that confidence and assurance. Now more than ever that continued support is needed. High School awaits!

It’s natural for you to look back and think of those arguments over homework, the worries over grades and the stress over last minute projects. We now realize that they seem insignificant and are a distant memory. And you’d happily go back to those simpler times when “because I said so,” held some weight and possibly invoked fear.

As much as our students look ahead and are excited for what is next, we as parents wonder what that means for us, because now our role will change. For the last ten years, we have been the CEO in our child’s life – planning, providing, caring, repairing and financing, financing, financing… and now, (some) of that is about to change. We look on in wonder as ask ourselves, “Where did those years go?” and realize that, if “they’ve” gotten older, so have we!!! (And we experience that awkward moment when we compare ourselves to our parents, reminiscing about on our own graduation and wonder…)

But, as happens in each stage we pass through with our children, with new independence for them, comes a new independence for us. It is now the time for us to possibly try some of those things we’ve been putting off. As we’ve put the needs of our child first; it’s time for us to expand ourselves and our limits. Entering high school will bring those anticipated changes. Through life’s adjustments and changes, the constant is the love we share for them and the knowledge that neither time nor distance could ever change that.

We hope as they move ahead, they will always know that they will be loved forever and always, as long as they live, and that they will always be your “baby.”

Faith will guide them in all that they will do!


Continued prayers for you, your family and the graduates of 2020!


Thomas Chadzutko

Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D.
Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services