End of the Year Students Letter

End of the Year Students Letter

| Published on: June 19, 2020 |

Dear Students in the Catholic Academies and Parish Schools,

Wow… another school year is ending. Can you believe it?

While the past three months of the school year, have been done remotely, your Catholic education has continued. You are to be commended for your hard work and effort. Your achievements and accomplishments have been noted by your principal, teachers and parents.

Remember the start of the school year in September, the excitement of making new friends, the reconnecting with old friends, your new teacher(s) and your renewed enthusiasm to start anew?

This time of year (June 2020) is an excellent time for reflection on the closing school year. I ask you spend some time with your parents reflecting on the questions below:

• What are the two best memories you have of this school year?
• What was your favorite event/excursion/special performance this school year?
• What is the nicest thing someone did for you this school year?
• What was the nicest thing you did for a classmate?
• In what area do you feel you have improved in the most?
• What are 3 new things you’ve learned, that you didn’t know at the start of the school year?
• What’s the best piece of work/project/assignment you’ve done this year?
• What subject have you enjoyed the most? Why?
• What are 6 adjectives you could use to describe the best parts of this school year?
• What have you learned about yourself this school year?
• What are you most proud of this school year?

As you move into the summer months, I ask that you remember to set time aside for daily prayer and reflection.

I offer you this prayer to you as you begin summer 2020:
Take time to claim your strength; they are gifts of God.
Take time to have fun; it’s God’s way of teaching you your strengths.
Take time to grow yourself; only you can grow you.
Take time to trust yourself; God trusts you.
Take time to be self-reliant; it is better than being dependent.
Take time to share with others; they will bless you, and you will bless them.
Take time to have hope, you are a child of God

Best wishes for an enjoyable and safe summer!

Continued prayers!

Thomas Chadzutko
Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D.
Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services