Schools across the country are wrapping up this tumultuous school year. For many parents, the challenge of celebrating in this time is unprecedented, and you yourself might be wondering how you can make your child’s special time one to remember in a time of COVID-19 (for all the right reasons). If your child’s school is holding a late-June graduation ceremony or you’d like some ideas on how to make the end of the school year memorable, here are a few ideas from other parents for some summer inspiration.
Family Cookout
With the first days of summer already behind us, —and the entire family—will enjoy a freshly cooked meal in the light of a warm weekend afternoon. Choose the perfect outdoor spot, such as a quiet park pavilion away from large crowds or even your own backyard. With a fire or a grill, cook your child’s summer favorites while you all celebrate the monumental moment together as a family.
Make the cookout themed by decorating with school colors and symbols. Check off all your party essentials: balloons, streamers, colored dinnerware, and a playlist of your child’s favorite music. Before digging in, gather around and say a prayer for success and enlightenment for the young child’s future.
Crowdsource the Family for a “Congrats!” Video Montage
Nothing says “Congratulations to making it to the end of the school year” and “I love you” during a time of social distancing like an end-of-the-year video montage. Surprise your child on this special day with a compilation of videos from family and friends expressing congratulations and their very best wishes.
Reach out to any people that your child may be particularly missing in daily life as he or she continues to adapt to the “new normal,” such as grandparents; aunts, uncles, and cousins; and/or classmates and family friends.
Throw a Virtual Celebration Party
No more than ever, people are starting to embrace technology to better connect us in ways that COVID-19 and social distancing have made impossible. So children have a chance to hear the good wishes and congratulations for themselves, throw a virtual celebration party!
Invite far-away or distance family members and friends to hop on a video call (use video chatting services like Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Skype) and send their hopes and wishes to your child directly.