August is Family Fun Month, and with it come fruitful opportunities to foster an environment of learning and development for your child that includes all members of the family. Make educational topics and lessons stick by incorporating bonding time and collaborative learning through fun-filled activities that every family member can appreciate and enjoy alongside your young learner.
Below are a few educational resources and activities designed to target learning objectives and development milestones in which the entire family can participate.
123 Homeschool 4 Me
This free educational resource is for the family that enjoys solving problems together as a team. 123 Homeschool 4 Me offers a vast collection of free general education worksheets on a wide range of subjects for children in pre-K through high school.
As your child works through the worksheets, offer yourself as a resource for when he or she gets stuck or would like further insight in the subject at hand. By inviting your child to ask questions and learn alongside you, you are reminding your child of the advantages of teamwork and collaboration.
CK-12 Foundation
CK-12 offers a comprehensive collection of courses for students, teachers, and parents, covering subjects from Grades 1-12 and even a few college courses.
As your child works through his or her own courses, explore the more advanced content on your own. No matter your expertise or reading level, there’s something for every member of the family. This way, you’ll encourage your child to further embrace collaborative learning. Leave them with this lasting impression from the learning experience: If my family can do it, so can I!
Older children will enjoy the challenge of learning a new language outside of the traditional classroom. Duolingo offers a fun and motivating way to learn a new language, encouraging the absorption of key elements through engaging repetition and a fun and exciting platform.
This is a tool that the entire family can find benefit in. Conveniently designed as a smartphone app, Duolingo invites all members of the family to explore another language, including German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and many others.