Percentage of Students Scoring at Levels 3 and 4 (Students who met or exceeded the proficiency standards for their grade).

2019 NYS ELA and Math Test Results
Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding NYS Proficiency Standards
Testing Program NYS
(public and charter schools, no Nonpublic Schools)
(public schools, no charter or nonpublic schools)
Diocese of Brooklyn
(schools and academies, Brooklyn and Queens)
Grade 4-ELA 47.7% 49.6% 54.7%
Grade 6-ELA 47.1% 48.4% 59.8%
Grade 7-ELA 39.7% 42.7 % 54.9%
Grade 4-Math 50.4% 49.4% 51.3%
Grade 6-Math 47.0% 43.9% 43.7%
Grade 7-Math 43.5% 42.1% 42.4%

Please Note: Percentages reported include all tested students (general education and students with disabilities as reported by New York State, New York City and Diocese of Brooklyn).

New York State ELA exam result comparison

It is important to mention that state testing within the Diocese of Brooklyn is part of our core academic program. The results of state tests help us to gauge how we are progressing with state standards as a Diocese, as an individual academy or parish school, or as an individual student.

The standards that are measured on state tests are rigorous, but we believe these standards and tests will help prepare our students for their lives in the 21st century by thinking critically and being able to solve multi-step problems.

The State Education Department switched from 3-day to 2-day testing in 2018, which established a new baseline. Therefore, comparisons can only be made with scores in 2019 and the upcoming 2020 scores. The chart below depicts the Diocesan percentage point change from 2018 to 2019.

Note: Since we tested Grade 8 in 2018 and Grade 7 in 2019, we can only directly compare Grades 4 and 6.


Diocesan percentage point change from 2018 to 2019.

2019 NYS ELA and Math Results
Grades 4 and 6 Comparative Chart
NYS Tests – Tested in 2018 and 2019 Diocese of Brooklyn 2018 Proficiency Results Diocese of Brooklyn 2019 Proficiency Results Percentage Point Change
Grade 4-ELA 56.0% 54.7% -1.3%
Grade 6-ELA 62.0% 59.8% -2.2%
Grade 4-Math 44.0% 51.3% +7.3%
Grade 6-Math 39.0% 43.7% +4.7%

NYS Math Test Scores Year-Over-Year Comparison

The percentage point change in ELA for Diocesan students was slightly lower but there was not a major shift.

Diocesan students did increase dramatically from 2018 to 2019 on the Grade 4 and Grade 6 Math tests. Although this proficiency rate is not for a matched group of students, but a different group of students, as a Diocese we can see that the changes we have instituted in our math programs are making significant and positive changes.

Our principals and teachers within the Diocese of Brooklyn attend high quality professional development programs and receive numerous resources throughout the school year. Professional development will continue this year and provide opportunities for deeper learning for our
educators which will help our students reach their full potential.

Spring 2019 was the second time the state offered operational assessments on computers. The State Education Department remains committed to transitioning to computer based testing in the years ahead as this will help prepare students for the world we live in.

I would like to commend the students, teachers and principal, Mr. Scharbach, for participating in computer based testing on the state tests in Grades 6 and 7 for both ELA and math. St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy showed us that it is possible to administer state tests on computers when technology is used on a daily basis. This was the second year that this academy successfully implemented the state’s computer based testing program.

In the spring of 2020, we will administer state tests in grades 4, 6 and 7 for ELA and math and science grades 4 and 8.

Beginning in the Spring of 2021, the state will administer new tests measuring Next Generation Learning Standards and will once again have a new baseline established. As soon as more information becomes available about state testing, our academies and parish schools will be
ready to prepare our students to tackle these new tests.