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Dear Parents and Guardians,
For everyone, this has been a challenging week! Adjusting to new routines for you and your children, keeping your family safe and healthy and managing your work-related responsibilities has been difficult. Through it all, you have been able to provide your children with the comfort and safety of your home.
Change is not easy for anyone and the uncertainty of what lies ahead is very daunting for each of us. Know that your Catholic Academy/Parish School Principals, Teachers and Staff are available to assist you during this time. Please continue to keep the lines of communication open between and among them.
Our principals and teachers are committed to provide your child/children with ongoing Catholic education through various digital and distance learning platforms. Making the transition to a new way of teaching and learning is not easy but our dedicated principals and teachers completed this transition within a couple of days! I know that many parents have already communicated their appreciation to the principals and teachers for this new way of teaching and learning. I ask that you continue to express gratitude for all that they are doing!
Parents and guardians are the essential partners in Catholic education. For your partnership, now and always, we are most appreciative!
I ask that you pray the following prayer with your family each day for continued good health and safety:
Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas.
We fly to you today as your beloved children.
We ask you to intercede for us with your Son, as you did at the wedding in Cana.
Pray for us, loving Mother, and gain for our nation and world,
and for all our families and loved ones, the protection of your holy angels,
that we may be spared the worst of this illness.
For those already afflicted, we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliverance.
Hear the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful, wipe away their tears and help them to trust.
In this time of trial and testing, teach all of us in the Church to love one another and to be patient and kind.
Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land and to our hearts.
We come to you with confidence, knowing that you truly are our compassionate mother,
health of the sick and cause of our joy.
Shelter us under the mantle of your protection, keep us in the embrace of your arms,
help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus. Amen
May God continue to watch over each of you, your children and family!
Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D.
Superintendent~Catholic School Support Services