Setting up 2021 Family Faith Goals

Setting up 2021 Family Faith Goals

| Published on: January 6, 2021 |

In a time when family has become even more central to our lives amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic, setting up family faith goals will help your household grow even stronger together through prayer.

Before the New Year, contemplate on the elements of your faith that make you feel most connected to your family members – then, aim to nurture those connections through the goals you set as a family. Doing so will bring you closer to God and will make your family a stronger unit to face any obstacle that sits before you in the New Year. Below are a few examples of goals you might set for your family to strengthen your relationship to your faith.

Group Prayer and Meditative Reading

One of the most effective ways to come together as a family, especially around the holidays, is to read scripture together. Set aside time each week for reading together, and aim to discuss a certain aspect of the scripture related to something you’re experiencing currently in your lives, including issues at school, work, and home. Doing so will help you work through potential anxieties and also gives you a chance to celebrate joys and successes. Set aside a quiet space that’s roomy enough for the whole family, but also free from distractions.

Attend Virtual Mass

The pandemic has changed the way we all live, including the way we celebrate the Eucharist. If you live in an area heavily affected by the COVID-19 virus, it’s important to stay home and socially distanced, and so in-person mass may be out of the question. A wonderful alternative, however, is virtual mass. Check with your parish to see if they offer online services that you can attend through a streaming service. If not, consider spearheading the effort with your parish administration. Take charge of your faith in the New Year!

Prayer Before Meals

Eating is a symbolic activity – we gain and give sustenance, and we share it with the people that mean most to us. Before each meal you share with your family, aim to pray together. Thank the Lord for the food you’re about to share with the people you love, and give thanks for all the blessings you’ve received in your life, including the bounty set before you.