Bible Study Tips to Teach Your Young Child

Bible Study Tips to Teach Your Young Child

| Published on: February 8, 2021 |

Reading and studying the Bible with your child can be one of the most fulfilling and inspiring ways to strengthen and grow within your faith together, as a family. Not only are you encouraging critical thinking and reading schools, but also helping your child understand the Word of God through the lens of love you offer as a parent.

Be your child’s partner as you embark on the journey that is Bible study—by the end of the road, your child will be better equipped to take on more serious religious study in school. He or she will also get to experience God’s love with each passage you work through together.

Below are a few simple Bible study tips to teach your child that will be the foundation of his or her religious study in the years to come.

Be Consistent with Your Study

For any course of study and practice, it’s vital to the success of your child to be consistent. Without causing too much stress on your schedules, stick to a study regimen that works for you. Whether you carve out time each night or once a week, keep to your study schedule and do your best not to deviate from it.

Don’t Place Excessive or Unnecessary Pressure on Yourself or Your Child

Remember: Bible study should be a positive experience for your child—and you, too! Before you embark on the journey of Bible study, evaluate your expectations and adjust them as necessary. What are you hoping to achieve through your study? What are your hopes for your relationship with your child, and for their relationship with God? Be hyperaware of your child’s mindset going into the exercise, and remember that children may not grasp the Bible’s complex ideas and concepts right away… and that’s OK.

Make Bible Study FUN

One of the most effective ways for teaching children is to make your exercises, and there’s no reason Bible study should be any different. In fact, making your Bible study sessions more engaging in this way will encourage your child to view the practice in a more positive way—something to look forward to with their family!

To make Bible study more fun for your child, encourage him or her to draw representations of their thoughts and feelings regarding a particular story. You can also incorporate crafts and activities into your study, like designing bookmarks. In general, keep your questions light and encourage your child to read and respond on their own.

No Matter What, Stay Positive about Your Study

As you work through the tips below, remember this verse for inspiration and guidance:

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17)