The Pentecost tradition marks a very special time for Christians around the world, both historically and spiritually. In the weeks that followed the ascension of Jesus into Heaven, his apostles looked forward to the arrival of the Holy Spirit to guide them in their faith in his physical absence.
Each year, Pentecost traditions are performed by Catholics across the country in celebration of the Holy Spirit and its impact on the Roman Catholic denomination as a religious movement. Priests often appear in red ceremonial robes to celebrate the flames of the Holy Spirit, and the grand feasts of Pentecost mark the close of the Easter Season for the Church. The holiday is celebrated on the seventh Sunday of every Easter, falling this year on May 23.
Pentecost means something different to every Catholic, and each year, it’s important to review the history of the Pentecost in relation to the ascension of Jesus to prepare your spirit to celebrate the final days of the Easter Season.
The History of Pentecost
The Pentecost tradition traces back to the ascension of Jesus outlined in the New Testament of the Bible. Before Christ began his ascent into Heaven, his promise to the apostles that the Holy Spirit would arrive to guide them in faith continued to act as a guiding light toward salvation and God’s light.
As they prayed, the apostles felt compelled to speak in tongues, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, apostles and many onlookers of Jerusalem gathered to listen to the very first Christian sermon delivered by Saint Peter. This moment in Christian history is commonly regarded as the birth of Christianity as an organized religion.
How is Pentecost Celebrated?
Each Catholic family celebrates the Pentecost tradition differently, but common ways to rejoice in the descent of the Holy Spirit on mankind include the attendance of dedicated church services and celebratory feasts.
To prepare your spirit to celebrate the Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Spirit, pray about your gratitude toward Jesus and his sacrifice. Reflecting on the importance of your faith and relationship with Christ can ready your spirit to rejoice in God’s mercy and light at the close of the Easter season.
What does Pentecost mean for you and your family?