5 Ways to Create a Catholic Home


Creating a Catholic home is not always easy. It involves lots of work, love, and sacrifice. But this is precisely what makes it so rewarding. A Catholic home is not only strengthened by the family who lives there, but also enriched by community life.

5 Ways to Teach Your Child Honesty


Being honest is one of the most important things you can teach your kids. If you teach your child to be honest from an early age, they’ll have a much easier time navigating life and its many experiences as they get older, and telling the truth will keep them out of a lot of trouble, as well.

Keeping Your Child Healthy in 2022


With the new year well under way, it’s important – now more than ever – to make sure your child is living in the healthiest way possible.

How to Strengthen Leadership Skills in Your Child


Our children play a vital role in the shaping of our future. As such, it’s our duty as parents, educators, and Catholics to strive to prepare our children for the future by strengthening their leadership skills.

Spiritual Resolutions for Catholics in the New Year


Every year, people enter the new year committed to their resolutions as a means of setting goals for the months to come. However, we rarely pause to consider where our resolutions come from, or to what end these resolutions will truly serve our growth in the months to come

Practicing Empathy in 2022


Each and every day, we as Catholics are called on by God to be compassionate – and this is true for all things.

Celebrating the Christmas Season as Catholics


As Catholics, we know there’s so much more to Christmas than simply Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and presents.

Preparing the Soul for the Holiday Season


Holiday season is a joyful time to prepare your heart for the Thanksgiving holiday and, of particular significance to Catholics, for the coming of Christ at Christmas time

Practicing Gratitude This Thanksgiving


As Catholics, we follow in the footsteps of Christ – and as such, when we learn that living with awareness and purpose